Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This year....

Well, this year pretty much sucked.

Guess I'll go month by month. School started in August and that began this awfully boring year. Nothing happened in September. My 16th birthday and Halloween were in October so I guess that was decent, even though turning 16 meant nothing. Everyone waits to turn 16 but, it really means nothing. I hate driving so, I haven't gotten my licence and don't want to work so, I haven't gotten a job. Me and my cousin took Crystal trick or treating in our neighborhood and then my sister and I went with Marissa's family to some other neighborhood. It was pretty interesting. Then came November. I had my birthday party the first weekend of November and then after that me and Marissa went to see Selena Gomez. That was probably one of the best things this school year. She was quite amazing, even though we were sitting in about the farthest seat from her as possible. December brought Christmas, a very busy time for my family. January and Feburary were freezing. Nothing really happened in any of those because it was too cold to do anything. March and April were awfully rainy. And finally, we are starting to get some good weather in this month of May, even though it's raining right now.

You may have noticed that nothing I wrote about had to do with school. That's because nothing happened that was worth writing about. This year was boring and pointless. Last year was wayy better than this year and thats not saying much. Math was repetitive. We did the same thing every day, just with different material. Don't even get me started on English. Health was quite enjoyable. Gym was ok since we didn't have to do anything. Photography, well anyone who's taken it knows what it's like. But, I do enjoy developing the pictures. Study Hall is fun. Spanish is dificult and boring because I don't have anyone in there. Guidance is pretty useful. History is awfully loud and pointless. And I've learned a lot in Chemistry. Hopefully next year's better, I'm taking a pretty intense schedule so I hope i can handle it.

I hope this summer's better. Me and Marissa are going to see Big Time Rush and probably Miranda Cosgrove. I hope my family gets to go on vacation. We are all thinking about the beach lately. We will probably be going to King's Island almost every week. But, most of all, I think I'm looking forward to just spending time with my family and animals while it's finally nice enough to enjoy the outdoors.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina :D

        Lately, Myrtle Beach has been on my mind. Myrtle Beach is like a second home to me. My family spent my first 5 birthdays there and we have gone at least every other year after that. It's amazing there and I plan to continue to keep it part of my life. We've been a couple other places for vacation, but have found that Myrtle is closer and just as nice, if not nicer, than any of the other beaches. So, I'm just going to use this blog post to talk about the beach and all the memories of it.
        We always have stayed at the Sea Mist Hotels. They have prices that are no more expensive than any other hotels but, you get passes to all their hotel pools, the Family Kingdom Amusement Park, the Family Kingdom Water Park, the mini golf course, and much more. It is an awesome hotel for families and it's still quite entertaining even as my sister and I grow older. The hotels have nice rooms and pools. Although, last year, we had a new hotel and it was a different experience.
        Last year, I tried to set up a webcam from my dad's laptop and to our home computer so I could see our dogs (yeah, strange I know). But, when we got there we discovered that we were the only hotel of the chain that didn't have internet access. I spent the first night trying to get into the neighboring hotel's wifi but failed. Then while my mom was cooking lunch, she had the stove on then tried to microwave something at the same time and the power blew. We had to wait the rest of the day before they got that fixed. Our balcony door was also a little messed up, but we didn't pay much attention. One afternoon we picked up a pizza. We all got a plate and went and sat on the balcony looking at the ocean. The door then slid shut behind us and locked itself so, we were all stuck out on the balcony with the pizza inside. Quite amuzed, we found a guy on the ground, like 4 floors below, and yelled down to him to go get help. Luckily, he did, and soon a worker came up and let us in.

The view from our hotel was pretty good.
Its a long ride...

I think this picture says it all about her...

So, there was this kid in front of us on this thing, he was probably about my age, and when it started swinging, he started screming for his life. His little brother (probably like 6) was having fun and the boy was yelling "Hang on JJ ! Hang on !". I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did when I was watching him. :)

It was super windy that day lol
        One thing we always do when we go down is go to the zoo. They have a zoo with some strange animals, unlike some you see in the zoos around here, and you can hand-feed them all. It's a lot of fun. The amusement park doesn't have many rides for us older kids, but they still have some and its free for us so it's pretty fun. The water park is pretty good also. I love Myrtle Beach and I probably always will, its a lot of fun and great family time.
Me feeding the goat :)

This view sticks in my head more than anything. That first look at the ocean.

When we got stuck on the balcony...

This was quite fun !

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No Title :)

        Whenever I talk to my first grade teacher she asks if I still want to be a vet. This shows me two things. One is what an amzing woman she is to care about me enough to remember that and two is that I have always had the same dream, to spend my life saving animals in all ways possible. I've grown up with animals my entire life and I've always had a special bond with them. Now, in my high school years, I find, as most people do, that I can't trust many people. So, my dog is my best friend.
        I can tell Sandy anything and she always listens. Most people find that strange and thats what makes me different I guess. High school is a troubling time. Having to make all these decisions can be very stressful. I have wanted to be a vet my entire life, but lately, I've been considering the ideas of a lawyer or a ype of scientist. As I bounce back and forth, weighing my options, I always seem to come back to a vet.
Whenever one of my animals, or my family's animal, becomes ill, theres nothing more in the world that I want other than to be able to help them.
        No matter what career I choose to pursue, I've also had the same dream for my life. I want to have hundreds of acres for all my animals. I want to own an animal rescue for all types of animals and have room for my family to have houses on my land if they choose. I don't want to grow up any more than anyone else. I'm perfectly fine right where I am, but I know I have to start preparing for the future. So, whatever happens happens.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is Your Name Written There?

        Last Saturday night I went to the Easter drama at Lighthouse church with my church's youth group and other people from church. The drama was outstanding. We went thinking it was going to be an Easter play of the Easter story, but we were wrong. It was basically a play of what they think the judgement day will be like. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's after you die and you appear in front of the angel to see if your name has been written in the Book of Life. They showed close to 15 different situations of how people live their lives and how it determines their eternal life.It basically left you speechless.
        One of the situations was of a lady who was sexually abused as a child, leading her to become a prostitute as she got older. As a prostitute, she became pregnant and got an abortion. She later got saved and became a Christian. So, at judgement day, her name was written in the Book of Life and she got accepted into Heaven. As she stood on the stage, they opened the doors and the little girl that she aborted ran out to hug her. There was barely a dry eye in the room. Another situation was of a murderer on death row. He had actually died from the death sentence. He got put on death row for killing a guy who tried to witness to him on the street. In jail, he had gotten saved, and his name was written. When they accepted him, the man he had killed ran out to him. It was amazing. Not all of the situations were good though. One situation was of a couple who were church members but were deceived into thinking that was all it took to get into Heaven. When they angel called their names, they jumped up all excited, knowing they would get into Heaven because they had their church memberships and they were church members, etc. But, when they got up to the book, their names were not written there. The demons then came out and dragged them to hell. Another situation was of another couple. The husband was a devoted believer, but his wife was deceived into thinking that God wasn't as important as all the luxuries in life. A deceiver came to them as they were walking up to their judgement and got the women to leave with him by telling her he could get her a nice car, clothes, etc. The husband was then accepted into Heaven, and the devil himself came out to thank his deceiver and drag the girl into hell with them. They also showed a situation that relates more to kids in high school. They had three friends, one of which was a Christian trying to witness to the other two who only wanted to party and do drugs. The one got into Heaven while the other two didn't. They both went running, trying to escape the demons, but they couldn't get away.
        As I was sitting there, I was thinking of all the people I wish could have been there to watch it. It really opens your eyes to the reality of life. How every little decision you make is crucial to bringing people to Christ, or pushing yourself away from him. Our youth talked about it the next night at church and everyone felt the same way. It really made you ask yourself, " Is my name written there?"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Who Says?

        I know most of you think Disney stars are lame and everything, but I find that I actually enjoy most of them. With the exception of a few, they are young and innocent and role models to millions of kids all around the world. But hey, theres always going to be a few that let the fame go to their heads. One of them that I find absolutely amazing is Selena Gomez. She's beautiful, funny, and has amazing songs.
        I found one of her most recent songs, "Who Says", very inspirational. It's a wonderful song about how no one can tell you you your not perfect. The world today puts girls in the position to live up to a very high standard. Girls all over the world look down on themselves because they aren't super skinny or have perfect skin. This song says that you are perfect no matter what you are and you should be proud of yourself.
       Every girl out there should hold their head up high. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and they need to realize that. If this world wasn't so cruel, it would be easier for everyone to be proud of themselves. I find people these days to be so rude. Even if you think "she's ugly" or "what's wrong with her?", keep it to yourself. Theres no need to make fun of people, because it just means you feel insecure about yourself also and need to make other people feel lower than you do. Theres no good reason why we have to have so many people depressed and feeling bad about themselves to the point of self-harm. Everyone's perfect.

View Image
I wouldn't want to be anybody else
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn't good enough
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough
I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else

Na na na
Na na na

I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me

Na na na
Na na na

You've got every right
To a beautiful life

Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful
Who says

[Selena Gomez - Verse 2]

It's such a funny thing
How nothing's funny when it's you
You tell 'em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth

It's like a work of art

That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won't let you touch the sky

Na na na
Na na na

I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me

Na na na
Na na na

You've got every right
To a beautiful life


Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful


Who says
Who says you're not start potential
Who says you're not presidential
Who says you can't be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don't pass the test
Who says you can't be the best
Who said, who said
Won't you tell me who said that
Yeah, oh

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Lost Boys

        I wasn't quite sure what to think of the movie about the Lost Boys. It was very depressing to watch. I couldn't imagine having to go through that at such a young age. Young boys should not have to worry about how to survive or which way to run. They should be able to enjoy their lives. Theres no reason why they would want to kill all those young boys.
        The two men that spoke in the video were pretty interesting. It's a lot easier to listen to history when its coming from someone who experienced it. It had to of been devastating for them to be forced to leave their families, losing their friends along the way.
        It was a pretty depressing video to watch. It's hard to comprehend what actually happened without actually being there. It's awful to think such a horrible thing happened, but its just one event in this world's cruel history.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pets :)

        As most of you know, I love animals and dream to be a vet. I've probably posted about my pets multiple times but I feel like doing it again. I've got 2 dogs, 2 ponies, 1 horse, 1 rooster, 2 hamsters, and a rabbit at the moment.
        Our best guess as to what Sandy is, is a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Bloodhound Mix. She is about 80 lbs and is the most amazing dog. She has a golden/brownish coat that looks like sand, hints her name. She is five years old, and we got her five years ago as a late birthday present for me. Her name at the pound was Coral, but at the time, I couldn't pronounce that very well so we changed it to Sandy. She is an awesome dog. Her ears perk at the words "Walk", "Grandma", and "Cookie". She goes by Sandy, Sand, Sandy-Loo, Loo-Loo, and Sandyland. I've posted many times about Ginger so I'm going to skip her in this one.
        My ponies are Sugar and Spice. Sugar is Spice's mom. We got Sugar about 6 years ago and Spice was born a year later. Sugar is a paint pony. Shes white with brown patches, or brown with white patches, whichever you prefer. Spice is a very special boy. He is just a creamish color all over. We kept thinking he was going to get his patches but he never did. He never grew either. He's still about as small as he was when he was a baby, just a little heavier. Everyone always wishes they could keep animals as babies, I can. :) Spice is always going to be a baby. He weighs about 200 lbs, very small for a pony. He's more like a miniature horse.
        My horse is named Bunny (She came with the name). She's a rescue quarter horse, We got her for free from a lady down the street because she didn't have room for her in the stable. Bunny is a very good horse. Shes between 15 and 20 years old, so she's a little old, but she's still wonderful. I ride her all the time when the weather corporates and it's the best time in my life.
        Jose is my rooster. He has quite an interesting story. We came to lock up the horses one day and saw him out in the field. He just showed up so we just left him alone, thinking he'd go back to his home. Well, he didn't and after a few weeks, we decided we should probably feed him. Now, he follows us around and sleeps in the barn with the horses. As for his name, he just looked like a Jose to me.
        My hamster's name is Felipe and Crystal's is Rosy. They are both Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamsters. We got them for Christmas in 2009. Felipe is quite a plump little guy. He is a miracle hamster. He got this huge tumor on his stomach and lost all his hair. He looked appalling and scary. My dad wanted to put him out of his misery. But, after awhile, he got better. He grew all his hair back and looks completely normal. We have no idea what happened. He still has the tumor but he looks fine. He only likes sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. He won't eat anything out of all the food but the seeds. He barely drinks anything, which worries me but he's lived this long so I guess he doesn't need it.
        Our rabbit, who's gender is still a mystery, is named Resses. She has the colors of a Reeses cup so that's what we named her/him. My sister won her at the Franklin County Fair and we picked her because she/he has only 3 legs; Our grandma's cat only has 3 legs so we thought he/she's would fit into our family well.
        Well this is a pretty long post and I just gave a basic of the animals. There are so many stories about all of them and all the other animals I've had.
RIP: Ashley (Lab mix), Rascal (Beagle Mix), Orio, Twinkie, Orio Jr. Zoe, Gus Gus, Star, Blacky, Carmal, Orio III, and other hamster whos name fails to come to me.