Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No Title :)

        Whenever I talk to my first grade teacher she asks if I still want to be a vet. This shows me two things. One is what an amzing woman she is to care about me enough to remember that and two is that I have always had the same dream, to spend my life saving animals in all ways possible. I've grown up with animals my entire life and I've always had a special bond with them. Now, in my high school years, I find, as most people do, that I can't trust many people. So, my dog is my best friend.
        I can tell Sandy anything and she always listens. Most people find that strange and thats what makes me different I guess. High school is a troubling time. Having to make all these decisions can be very stressful. I have wanted to be a vet my entire life, but lately, I've been considering the ideas of a lawyer or a ype of scientist. As I bounce back and forth, weighing my options, I always seem to come back to a vet.
Whenever one of my animals, or my family's animal, becomes ill, theres nothing more in the world that I want other than to be able to help them.
        No matter what career I choose to pursue, I've also had the same dream for my life. I want to have hundreds of acres for all my animals. I want to own an animal rescue for all types of animals and have room for my family to have houses on my land if they choose. I don't want to grow up any more than anyone else. I'm perfectly fine right where I am, but I know I have to start preparing for the future. So, whatever happens happens.

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