Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is Your Name Written There?

        Last Saturday night I went to the Easter drama at Lighthouse church with my church's youth group and other people from church. The drama was outstanding. We went thinking it was going to be an Easter play of the Easter story, but we were wrong. It was basically a play of what they think the judgement day will be like. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's after you die and you appear in front of the angel to see if your name has been written in the Book of Life. They showed close to 15 different situations of how people live their lives and how it determines their eternal life.It basically left you speechless.
        One of the situations was of a lady who was sexually abused as a child, leading her to become a prostitute as she got older. As a prostitute, she became pregnant and got an abortion. She later got saved and became a Christian. So, at judgement day, her name was written in the Book of Life and she got accepted into Heaven. As she stood on the stage, they opened the doors and the little girl that she aborted ran out to hug her. There was barely a dry eye in the room. Another situation was of a murderer on death row. He had actually died from the death sentence. He got put on death row for killing a guy who tried to witness to him on the street. In jail, he had gotten saved, and his name was written. When they accepted him, the man he had killed ran out to him. It was amazing. Not all of the situations were good though. One situation was of a couple who were church members but were deceived into thinking that was all it took to get into Heaven. When they angel called their names, they jumped up all excited, knowing they would get into Heaven because they had their church memberships and they were church members, etc. But, when they got up to the book, their names were not written there. The demons then came out and dragged them to hell. Another situation was of another couple. The husband was a devoted believer, but his wife was deceived into thinking that God wasn't as important as all the luxuries in life. A deceiver came to them as they were walking up to their judgement and got the women to leave with him by telling her he could get her a nice car, clothes, etc. The husband was then accepted into Heaven, and the devil himself came out to thank his deceiver and drag the girl into hell with them. They also showed a situation that relates more to kids in high school. They had three friends, one of which was a Christian trying to witness to the other two who only wanted to party and do drugs. The one got into Heaven while the other two didn't. They both went running, trying to escape the demons, but they couldn't get away.
        As I was sitting there, I was thinking of all the people I wish could have been there to watch it. It really opens your eyes to the reality of life. How every little decision you make is crucial to bringing people to Christ, or pushing yourself away from him. Our youth talked about it the next night at church and everyone felt the same way. It really made you ask yourself, " Is my name written there?"

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