Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pets :)

        As most of you know, I love animals and dream to be a vet. I've probably posted about my pets multiple times but I feel like doing it again. I've got 2 dogs, 2 ponies, 1 horse, 1 rooster, 2 hamsters, and a rabbit at the moment.
        Our best guess as to what Sandy is, is a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Bloodhound Mix. She is about 80 lbs and is the most amazing dog. She has a golden/brownish coat that looks like sand, hints her name. She is five years old, and we got her five years ago as a late birthday present for me. Her name at the pound was Coral, but at the time, I couldn't pronounce that very well so we changed it to Sandy. She is an awesome dog. Her ears perk at the words "Walk", "Grandma", and "Cookie". She goes by Sandy, Sand, Sandy-Loo, Loo-Loo, and Sandyland. I've posted many times about Ginger so I'm going to skip her in this one.
        My ponies are Sugar and Spice. Sugar is Spice's mom. We got Sugar about 6 years ago and Spice was born a year later. Sugar is a paint pony. Shes white with brown patches, or brown with white patches, whichever you prefer. Spice is a very special boy. He is just a creamish color all over. We kept thinking he was going to get his patches but he never did. He never grew either. He's still about as small as he was when he was a baby, just a little heavier. Everyone always wishes they could keep animals as babies, I can. :) Spice is always going to be a baby. He weighs about 200 lbs, very small for a pony. He's more like a miniature horse.
        My horse is named Bunny (She came with the name). She's a rescue quarter horse, We got her for free from a lady down the street because she didn't have room for her in the stable. Bunny is a very good horse. Shes between 15 and 20 years old, so she's a little old, but she's still wonderful. I ride her all the time when the weather corporates and it's the best time in my life.
        Jose is my rooster. He has quite an interesting story. We came to lock up the horses one day and saw him out in the field. He just showed up so we just left him alone, thinking he'd go back to his home. Well, he didn't and after a few weeks, we decided we should probably feed him. Now, he follows us around and sleeps in the barn with the horses. As for his name, he just looked like a Jose to me.
        My hamster's name is Felipe and Crystal's is Rosy. They are both Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamsters. We got them for Christmas in 2009. Felipe is quite a plump little guy. He is a miracle hamster. He got this huge tumor on his stomach and lost all his hair. He looked appalling and scary. My dad wanted to put him out of his misery. But, after awhile, he got better. He grew all his hair back and looks completely normal. We have no idea what happened. He still has the tumor but he looks fine. He only likes sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. He won't eat anything out of all the food but the seeds. He barely drinks anything, which worries me but he's lived this long so I guess he doesn't need it.
        Our rabbit, who's gender is still a mystery, is named Resses. She has the colors of a Reeses cup so that's what we named her/him. My sister won her at the Franklin County Fair and we picked her because she/he has only 3 legs; Our grandma's cat only has 3 legs so we thought he/she's would fit into our family well.
        Well this is a pretty long post and I just gave a basic of the animals. There are so many stories about all of them and all the other animals I've had.
RIP: Ashley (Lab mix), Rascal (Beagle Mix), Orio, Twinkie, Orio Jr. Zoe, Gus Gus, Star, Blacky, Carmal, Orio III, and other hamster whos name fails to come to me.

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