Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This year....

Well, this year pretty much sucked.

Guess I'll go month by month. School started in August and that began this awfully boring year. Nothing happened in September. My 16th birthday and Halloween were in October so I guess that was decent, even though turning 16 meant nothing. Everyone waits to turn 16 but, it really means nothing. I hate driving so, I haven't gotten my licence and don't want to work so, I haven't gotten a job. Me and my cousin took Crystal trick or treating in our neighborhood and then my sister and I went with Marissa's family to some other neighborhood. It was pretty interesting. Then came November. I had my birthday party the first weekend of November and then after that me and Marissa went to see Selena Gomez. That was probably one of the best things this school year. She was quite amazing, even though we were sitting in about the farthest seat from her as possible. December brought Christmas, a very busy time for my family. January and Feburary were freezing. Nothing really happened in any of those because it was too cold to do anything. March and April were awfully rainy. And finally, we are starting to get some good weather in this month of May, even though it's raining right now.

You may have noticed that nothing I wrote about had to do with school. That's because nothing happened that was worth writing about. This year was boring and pointless. Last year was wayy better than this year and thats not saying much. Math was repetitive. We did the same thing every day, just with different material. Don't even get me started on English. Health was quite enjoyable. Gym was ok since we didn't have to do anything. Photography, well anyone who's taken it knows what it's like. But, I do enjoy developing the pictures. Study Hall is fun. Spanish is dificult and boring because I don't have anyone in there. Guidance is pretty useful. History is awfully loud and pointless. And I've learned a lot in Chemistry. Hopefully next year's better, I'm taking a pretty intense schedule so I hope i can handle it.

I hope this summer's better. Me and Marissa are going to see Big Time Rush and probably Miranda Cosgrove. I hope my family gets to go on vacation. We are all thinking about the beach lately. We will probably be going to King's Island almost every week. But, most of all, I think I'm looking forward to just spending time with my family and animals while it's finally nice enough to enjoy the outdoors.

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