Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To Save a Life.

        I recently watched a movie called To Save a Life and it was an amazing movie. It is about a boy who is the star on the basketball team, good looking, and has everything a high school senior could ask for. Once he entered high school, he abandoned his childhood friend because he wasn't cool enough. That friend ended up shooting himself in the school hallway because he felt he had nothing to live for. The movie is then about how the boy goes through changes and realizes what is truly important in life. He realizes that being cool isn't all that matters in life, what really matters is life itself.
        This movie was truly amazing. It makes you realize what is really important. It shows a website at the end of the movie and I went to it. It's all about the movie and books. It has a section for youth leaders and youth. They have a page where kids can tell their stories and other kids that post back. It leaves you speechless to read through the pages. It takes something like this to come to the realization that bad things really happen. Teens all over the world are feeling as if they have to purpose in life. People are so mean to them that they think nobody wants them around. Teen suicide is a terrible thing that can be prevented.
        We watch movies all the time and hear on TV about people killing themselves and loners getting picked on, but we never really pay attention to it. Instead of just walking by the kid in the hallway and paying no attention, why not just say a simple hello? In the movie, the boy went over to a kid sitting by himself at lunch and asked him to join them. He declined, but later became friends. Turns out that boy was a cutter and was considering killing himself, the simple lunch invitation saved his life because it let him know that somebody cared. Every day we see loners in the school hallways, we just don't pay attention. How many of them are going home to an abusive parent? How many of them are going home to an empty house with no one to talk to? How many of them are causing themselves pain because of the things we don't do to help? Simple actions can save thousands of lives all around the world.
        The website is

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