Thursday, February 17, 2011

Egypt's Issues

        Well, apparently there have been a lot of problems occurring in Egypt lately. The people of Egypt decided that they didn't like their president and demanded he step down. He refused and things got violent. The president finally decided that he should just give up and resigned. Egypt has a government in which they elect their president but they have no choice who to elect.
        It amazes me how people in America don't like it here and say we are terrible. If you don't like it over here, why don't you try going over there or anywhere else and see how it is. People would and do die to get over to America. We don't have the issues of not getting to choose our government officials. We have a choice and we have rights. We can basicly do whatever we feel like as long as it's legal.
        I can't imagine how the people of Egypt who wern't involved in the violence felt during all of this. they probably couldn't leave their houses due to fear for their lives. The people became so violent that they were killing each other for no reason. Things have calmed down but there still is some crazyness going on, which is to be expected due to all that happened. Hopefully things continue to calm down and return to normal.

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