Friday, November 5, 2010

A Father and Son

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In class yesterday, we watched a video about a kid with prader willi syndrome. It is a mental disorder where he loves food and thinks he has to eat constantly, It was very interesting for me because I'd never heard of a disorder like that one. I think it would be terrible to have to live like that but it doesn't give people the right to make fun of him like a lot of people do. People with disorders need special attention not to be picked on. The boy in the video was named Max. Max's father and him had a very close relationship. His father does everything for him and is always there for him. Max's disorder probably brought them closer together as a family. Max is lucky to have a father like him. This story and video bring up the topic of Mental Disorders and the challenges that come with them.
My mom works in the district as a substitute aide and she mainly works in the special ed classes. I've went in to volunteer with her a few times and I defiantly have a different view on how these children should be treated after being with them. Everything just thinks of them as "special" or even "retards". These children need very special care and it takes a special person to work with them. All the disorders are different and they all need different skills to deal with them. Some of them could be laughing one minute and throwing a chair across the room the next. You could spend over an hour showing one how to write their name and when you ask them to, they have no idea what you are talking about. One experience I remember was when I went to the 3rd and 4th grade Special Ed class at East Franklin. They had one kid, who I'm not sure what disorder he had, but he was literally crazy. They had to put him in a corner with boards to block him in to have him calm down. I was sitting at the desk while my mom was over dealing with another student and he escaped from the corner. He just stood staring at me, not moving an inch. I was actually scared. It's really sad that these kids have to deal with all this and most of them don't have supportive parents which make it worse. The boy in the movie we watched was very blessed to have a father there for him through all of this.

My family watches the show World's Strictest Parents and this past week the girl on there was disbehaving because her mom had remarried and had twins with autism. She resented her mom for giving all her attention to the twins and not her. I would feel blessed to have a little brother or sister that had autism. I think kids with autism are special. It would be so neat to feel needed by having to help out with my brother and/or sister. I'm sure it would start to get annoying every now and then but it would be an amazing life experience to be able to care for someone like that. That girl could have had such a better life if she would have helped her mom with the twins.

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