Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ginger :)

This summer I got a puppy and it's been quite an experience ever sense. She is a handful to take care of, I've had four dogs in my lifetime and she is the "worst" puppy. But she is incredibly cute and you can't stay bad at her no matter what she does.
             My family owns rental properties and one day during the sumemr my parents went to mow the grass at one of the houses Later on, my mom called me and asked for the animal shelter's number because she found a dog. Our tenant had a puppy that she had found tied up to a fence in her backyard on a small rope without any water or food. When my mom confronted her about it because she wasn't paying for a dog, she told her that she had found it and didn't want it so we could have it. My dad absolutely did not want another dog since we already have an 80 pound Rhodesian Ridgeback, but she was so adorable and helpless that we had to help her. They brought her home and we all fell in love with her immediately. Even our dog, Sandy, tolerated her and she doesn't like other dogs.She seemed so sweet and innocent and we didn't want to get rid of her. But we thought that if she was our puppy then we'd want to find her, so we called the pound to come get her. Our lives continued on after they took her but we couldn't stop thinking about her. My mom woke up the next morning and decided she needed to have her. She called the pound and they said she would be put on hold back in lost and found for three days for the owner to come get her and if not she'd be returned to the adoption floor. If her owners didn't claim her, we could have her. She was never put on the adoption floor, we went and got her the day she was supposed to be put our. She was so excited to see us as she came out of the door into the waiting room. We had to pay to get her back
We named her Ginger. She seemed so innocent when we saw her that first day, then she proved us wrong. She eats everything. As a puppy she loved to chew, especially on our skin. We'd give her tons of toys, but no...she wanted the hand giving her the toy, Now that she got rid of her puppy teeth she just liked to get ahold of anything she could. She doesn't even like to chew stuff up. She just grabs something she knows shes not supposed to have and comes and shows us she has it so we'll chase her. She loves to be chased. One thing she got ahold of was some sort of bee or bug outside. It must have stung her because she swelled up. I came up the stairs and saw her and immediately picked her up and ran downstairs to show my parents. We ended up having to give her benadryl and it didn't go back to normal until the next day. She still eats everything so she didn't learn her lesson.
             Even though she's a demon somethings, she's also very sweet. When she's tired, shes the nicest little thing. She's just like a baby. She likes to sleep in your lap or arms. She's learned sit, lay down, shake, roll over, and she's working on speak. She's a very quick learner.Ginger has caused for many memorable experiences in the past few months that we've had her. We can't wait for her first Christmas and snow fall. It's going to be a wonderful time. I'm very thankful that we got her.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this story. This puppy looks to have some dachshund in her. My family use to have a miniature dachshund named Fred.

    T. Mann
