Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sea of Plastic

        Everyone's got an opinion of the subject of pollution. Some are stronger than others in both extremes. I myself think that it's a terrible thing. Theres no reason for us to be killing the planet we all have to live on and possibily destroying it for our future generations. My family doesn't recycle completely at home just because of the trouble but we do reuse plastic bags and bottles instead of just throwing them out.
       When I was younger, my aunt took my cousin, sister, and I around and we collected cans around the neighborhood. It was a fun time and we couldn't wait to go again, sounds weird but I guess just spending the time together made it worth while. This is an example of how recycling could actually be fun and bring families together in the long run. Why should be just throw away things and sit on the couch all day when we could be out having fun with our families and friends while saving the planet in the long run.
Royal terns (Sterna maxima) are among several species of seabirds that dive from the air into the water to catch fish with their sharp beaks. A plastic bag floating at the surface would be invisible to the tern, and may even have attracted the fish in the first place. In this photograph, the tern's bill penetrated the plastic and left the bird wearing the bag around its neck like a shroud. The tern was treated at the University of Texas's Animal Rehabilitation Keep (ARK) and eventually was released back to the wild.       The one thing that got my attention in the movie was how the bottle caps are killing the animals. I've never even thought about that. I knew that the plastic things that come around cans of pop can hurt them and I always cut them up before throwing them away but it's never even crossed my mind that bottle caps could hurt them. Animals are very important to me so the fact that we are killing the planet and animals makes pollution more important to me. It really isn't that hard of a issue to fix. We don't have to completely stop using all the products but reusing them can help a lot. If everyone would just give a little then it could make a huge difference in the world.

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