Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving :)

      Every family has their traditions for thanksgiving, mine are probably similar to most but since it's almost thanksgiving time, I'm going to write this blog about our traditions.
      I'm very blessed to have both sides of my family live very close so we don't have to travel. We go to both my Grandma's houses for thanksgiving meals. My dad's mom loves to do everything herself where my mom's mom likes to have people around helping.
      We go to my dad's mom's for lunch on thanksgiving. We go over there about 11 to start hanging out. My aunt Jean, uncle Jim, and cousins Katelyn and David always come. My aunt and uncle, Robin and Jim, and cousins Jeremy and Jimmy come sometimes. My great aunt and uncle, Sue and Jeff, second cousins, Kelly and Craig, and third cousins, Mac and Mason come sometimes also. Us and Jean, Jim, Katelyn and David are usually the first ones there. We always watch the thanksgiving day parade on tv while we talk and play games. Then we all sit down at the table to eat the wonderful feast my grandma made.
      We then go home to rest for an hour before we have to head to my mom's mom's house. We are normally one of the last there since we just got home from my other grandma's. My mom's side of the family is much bigger. My aunts, Jackie, Susie, and Becky, uncles, John, Keith, and Ron, cousins, Amanda, Cheryl, Todd, Austin, and Matthew are there. We all talk and watch tv or play games until the foods done, then we eat. Afterwards, we put up my grandma's christmas tree. It's a lot of fun and we are ready for bed when we get home. The next day my parents go shopping and then we go eat leftovers.

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